“We care and want to be more involved” – results of the SWIFT staff survey on innovation

In a previous blog, I explained some challenges about measuring the impact of innovation, and how perception is important. I ended by highlighting the survey that was issued by the innovation team at SWIFT, to indeed try to establish some kind of baseline as to this perception.

So let’s talk about the results – what you have collectively told us. This first blog post focuses on the internal survey – what the SWIFT employees have told us.

1. Methodology

The internal survey was a single question: “Innovation is an important enabler for transformation at SWIFT and the Innovation team are tasked with driving this message throughout the organisation. On a scale of 0-10 would you recommend the Innovation Team and their work at SWIFT?”

An additional (optional) comment was requested as follows –

  • for people responding 9 and 10 (the “promoters”) – “What is it that you most like?”
  • for people responding 7 and 8 (the “passives”) – “What is it you would most like to improve?”
  • for people responding 0 to 6 (the “detractors”) – “What is it that you most dislike?”

The methodology is focused on understanding how many people will actively spread the news and promote Innotribe and the innovation team (the “promoters”) and those who may do so (the “passives”). It also heavily emphasizes the comments provided to identify key strenghts and areas for improvement.

2. The results of the internal survey

We collected 1124 responses, which represents roughly 60% response rate. This in itself is an important results, as it is much higher than your typical survey response.

Key message #1 – SWIFT employees care about the subject of innovation.

The results are split as follows: 20% promoters, 40% passives and 40% detractors.

Key message #2 – while there is good active and passive support for the innovation team, there’s a lot of room for improvement.

The comments provide a very rich perspective on people’s opinions. Simon Bale, who helped me on this, and me read them and analyzed for hours – I hope I do a good summary below.

 Key messages #3, from the promoters – keep up the creativity, enthusiasm and passion in fostering ideas in the “What?” (technology and products) and the “How?” (Innotribe events, facilitation, Megaphones, incubator) 

“Give us a chance to look at things differently.”

Key messages #4, from the passives – increase visibility on the mandate, process and deliverables of the innovation team. 

“More information on what they are doing and working on, not necessarily in writing but in presence.”

Key messages #5, from the detractors – increase visibility on the deliverables of the innovation team, and how they are relevant for the day-to-day work at SWIFT.

“How can my clients engage in the innovation process?”

“More engagement in remote offices.”

“I’m not sure what the innovation team has done that has increased revenue for SWIFT.”

3. Forward

So indeed, as the title of this post says, the SWIFT employees care about innovation and want to be involved more.

The way I undertstand this is –

– Ensure more direct contacts with the innovation team. In different divisions, in the regions. Supporting this, I share with you the surveys we did at Innotribe@Sibos in Amsterdam and Innotribe@Mumbai events – essentially we had 55% or plus straight promoters.

When you experience us, you understand what we are about!

– It is clear that we need to communicate differently. Not more, just differently. The push channels on the intranet and the internet are just read in passing, if at all.

We need to innovate our communication channels!

– Finally, and most importantly, we need to make our efforts more relevant to you, the SWIFT employees. Make sure you understand we are there to help you transform your ideas into reality. And make an impact on the bottom line of SWIFT.

We need to make you aware you can innovate!

Comments? Opinions? Fire away!

Banks for a better world – video of Innotribe@Ashoka’s changemaker’s week

The Innotribe team was out in Paris to run a segment in Ashoka’s changemaker’s week (link to the description of the event) – for the first time we experimented with our “banks for a better world” subject (the baby of Innotribe’s @Petervan)  which will find its way into Innotribe@Sibos in Toronto. Below is a short 2:30 video showing the incredible enthusiasm and good vibe of the participants to the workshop.

Here’s a very inspired summary blog from the Master of Ceremony of the event, Innotribe’s Martine de Weirdt: link.

Untitled from Copernicc on Vimeo.

Will banks avoid the mistake of DIY internet banking platforms and opt for shared mobile banking?

Last week I chatted with Karl Flinders of Computer Weekly. He was very keen to understand SWIFT and how a shared utility such as as SWIFT can be innovative.

It looks like it was a meeting of minds: he published a quick summary on his blog (link) and will be publishing a story soon. Looking forward to it!

(EDIT) and here is Karl’s first article following from our interview: link

Innotribe Mumbai – summary, videos and materials

 “Innotribe Mumbai – Connecting the unbanked”, the first Innotribe stand-alone event, was a fantastic happening!

The event tagline was: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history” (Gandhi)

We’ll see if this event will change history 😉 but for sure the sense of mission of the participants was very clear! We had about 220 participants on the first day and 170 on the second.  

As a reminder, here is the agenda and the speakers: link

From the format perspective, we started with presentations and then quickly moved to interactive workshops. On day 2, we also featured the “mixer”, a very lively presentation of a number of local and regional entrepreneurs, and the “mobile arena”, the crowning of the event where the participants had the opportunity to present their ideas to the crowd and get feedback in a very special “Indian wave” way.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so the best way to experience the event for yourself  is to watch the summary video available here (about 3 and a half minutes long): link (to my personal blog)
The video does show the gradual buildup of interactions and energy as we progressed in the two days

From the content perspective, I’ve summarized the event in the closing plenary with a number of tweets, which I reproduce here –

1. Opportunity – domestic payments, international remittances, for banked and unbanked.

2. Challenge – 300 million people to bank and connect. Staggering.

3. India – it’s already mobile payments 2.0, but beware of non interoperable systems

4. Make it simple – languages, voice, graphical user interfaces, devices.

5. Hidden assets – 200,000 Nokia outlets that can be leveraged for distribution

6. Ecosystem – many players, interconnected in a complex mesh

7. Collaboration – no one can attack the unbanked and mobile payments challenge alone.

8. Opportunity – there is enough revenue to make collaboration profitable to all players in the ecosystem.

9. New business models- think freemium

10. Innotribe Mumbai- smile, fun, work, variety of ideas and initiatives.

11. SWIFT is part of the ecosystem, we can and we will help

You can find here a single pdf file with all the presentations: link    

Finally, here are links to the videos of the ideas from the Arena (each is about 3 min long – the pitch itself, and the the “Indian wave” feedback)

Idea 1: link
Idea 2: link
Idea 3: link
Idea 4: link
Idea 5: link
Idea 6: link
Idea 7: link
Idea 8: link

See you at Innotribe@Sibos in Toronto, Sept 19-23 for other Innotribe adventures!
